Monday, June 13, 2011

Some days I day dream about how after school, or after I'm married life will be easier; there wont be tests, or relationship dilemmas to stress about. I know that life never gets easier, and after graduating and after I am married new challenges will arise and be just as complex as these now. I still like to hold onto the idea that one day life may be less complicated and easier. I know that when things are hard and life is complicated and busy to just focus on the things that are important and need to get done- tackle the day and wake up ready for a new start but sometimes it is hard to bounce back after a night of rest. Lately the only time life doesn't seem too overwhelming and confusing is when I am either: working out, WITH a certain boy, or at the temple. Its funny because those seem to be the ONLY things I ever do.

Tomorrow I have clinicals 6am-3pm and then work from 4-10pm. It is going to be rough. Not to mention I have 2 tests on Wednesday that I need to be studying for. Wednesday the certain boy leaves for the weekend and I honestly already feel empty just thinking about it. I seriously feel like a huge part of me will be missing those days. Boo....

Sorry todays blog is so whinny and down. Tomorrow is a NEW day and a fresh start.

Highlight of my day: playing with the kids for our pediatric lab, working out at the gym while reading my ensign

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