Thursday, October 20, 2011

"Bucket List"

Years ago I watched a movie with my family called "Bucket List", and to this day still think about it often. It was the first time I had heard of a bucket list and from then on have been mentally adding things to my list. I always refer to my "bucket list" and all the magical, wonderful and profound things I am going to accomplish in my life before I die. I decided I need to actually write these things down and begin my journey, soon school will be over (7 months but who's counting?!) and I will step out into life and create my own path.

-Save someones life
-Graduate Nursing school/Pass my NCLEX
-Go to Europe
-Buy a home
-Go on a healthcare humanitarian mission
-Own 5+ pairs of Christian Louboutin
-Train a dog
-Go to Karma on the Jersey shore

(the list is a work in progress) <3 but starting is the first step! xoxo

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lately I have been studying for my midterms and focusing 110% on school, but as much as I try to deny it I miss having that person in my life. I put on a brave face, focus on school and try to tell myself I am going to be ok. I made a CD to help refocus and forget about him....Here are a few songs on my playlist.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Its finally October!! That means: boots!!, PSL, football, sweaters/jackets, halloween festivities and my birthday!! I genuinely believe fall is the BEST season of all. (the only downside is that it is sometimes bullied by winter which is the worst!)

Things I am looking forward to: (in no order)
-FALL (see above!)
-Going home for thanksgiving
-My birthday (duhhh)
-Dec 13: end of the semester and the day I leave for hawaii <3
-every Sautrday at IMC

Life is good. I am happy and rebuilding myself and getting to where I want to be. You can either be apart of it or get out of my life. <3

Friday, October 7, 2011

I had another dream about nursing, this dream was specifically me on the neuro icu floor. I was in heaven- 100x better than dreaming about a boy

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

utah drivers: why do you drive SLOWER in the rain than you maniacs do in the snow? turn your windshield wipers on and DRIVE.

It finally is cooling down here, and I have my windows open to feel the cool breeze and to hear the sound of rain. I dont think there is a more soothing sound than rain on a cool fall day.