Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Today was a great day. I didn't work :) that in itself is enough to make a great day. I woke up early and drank a cup of tea and planned my day. (**attempted to plan my day, which NEVER goes like I plan but that's ok)

I then looked at my phone and saw my cute daddy had sent me a text at 6am. (**he's definitely the hardest working guy i know!) his sweet word of encouragement and love brought me to tears. I have always and will always be a daddys girl.

After my cup of tea (**delicious white tea I might add!) I proceeded to ATTEMPT to do my homework. After being frustrated and distracted I decided to break and get a sugar-free peppermint latte :) after I did that I went to emilys for help on math. I offically LOVE emilys home. Cats and warm welcoming home are the best parts! :) Emily and I soon found out I was being bullied online by Patricia through my online math class!! Emily and I sure showed her who was boss! :)

I later helped my cute mother find a gown for her charity gala in San Fran :) <3 with no luck I managed to find some MUST have items:

Bracelet with quote "every moment promises a future of endless possibilities, simply dream, believe and never give up"

Grey tights (**nordys MUST have! I love my black and cream tights so naturally I NEEDED the grey!)

Twilight "team Edward shirt" (**adorable must have for premier night in 9 dayssssss!)

Flannel shirt (**I know I'm so late to jump on the band wagon but this is by far worth the wait. It's sooo cute!)

Black/grey scarf

Black belt

Ps-gossip girl was great!

Love always,

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