Love is a four letter word that is used for my different situations. ie- I LOVE sushi. I LOVE my parents. I LOVE you. All true and beautiful but yet so different. How is it that love can have so many meanings?
I remember growing up knowing love. This love I knew was for my family and parents. (beautiful and divine) My family sets such great examples for me. They have raised me to understand the purpose of life and taught me how to be a "quality" person. This love is a true feeling that I can truly testify of.
As I got older I once again felt a strong love this time for my dear friend Clyde. (my cat) This love was similar to the love for my family but I felt a sense of nurture towards my dear Clyde. Once again this love was something I was sure of and would bare witness of.
Later I made great friends. Unfortunately it wasn't until after high school that I understood how great they were. I am so lucky to be surrounded by people so genuine and caring like them. My friends care about me and have my best intentions in mind and are always making me a better person. I have learned that the respect and appreciation for these great friends is yet another form of love. I will always be there for them. This love is special and different from other love, but still true.
I have been taught I am going to fall in love with someone I'll spend the rest of my life with. It will be like a fairy tale and we will live happily ever after. However, I continue to get hurt as i fail at finding this love....does that mean i am not meant for THIS love? Or is this love not true? Someday I'll find out...until then please make the hurt of falling stop.
“If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were.”- Alisha Rodney (my love guru!)
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