Since I was 4 I remember always being a Daddy's girl. I used to sit on his lap during church, get tucked in every night by him and even play soccer together. Everyone reminds me how much I look and act like my dad, often this used to drive me nuts because I didn't see ANY similarities. Lately
I realized how much I rely on my dad for encouragement, approval and support. His opinion and thoughts effect my choices and actions in a HUGE way, whether it is about football, food, or other things like school, or big life decisions he is the person I seek approval from. My dad is the hardest working person I know, he has always provided for our family. This week on his business trip (**which my dad LOATHES but does VERY often) I received the SWEETEST text from my dad (**at 6AM! told you he works hard!) it literally brought tears to my eyes. This text reminded me of how loving my dad is and how that is what makes us so similar. We both have big personalities that are also so loving. Sometimes we may not seem like we care but that is quite the opposite, we both are the most loving and would do anything for those we love.
This month my sweet dad found an article and put it on my desk (**he does this frequently and gets
REAL sad if you don't read the article and get as excited as he did, its actually a lot of pressure with these articles) This article was entitled "Be a Quality Person" by Marvin J. Ashton. I seriously
LOVED this article it was like it was written exactly for me at this time in my life. The main points of the article were how to better yourself
1. A quality person has
self respect (**set goals)
"Self-respect allows a person to know who he or she is and what is expected of him or her"
"..continue to work towards high standards and goals to serve others, to continue to practice self discipline. You will not compromise your standards or beliefs."
"Remind yourself that striving can be more important than arriving"
2. A quality person is someone with
integrity"Certainly it is greater to be trusted than loved"
"To be worthy of the highest trust is a noble attribute and compliment"
3. A quality person
will not be offended (**this one
really surprised me and helped me)
"In life there is no time for being hurt"
"A wise person will focus on principles of
optimism and
4. A quality person will develop the capacity to
love and be lovable"It is more important to love than to be loved"
"We all need to take advantage of every opportunity to love with tenderness and sincerity."
5. A quality person will
murmur not"He will not find fault or criticize, belittle or nag"
"Instead he was positive and had no time for contention, discouragement, or apathy."
6. A quality person is one who
has real faith"With true faith we will increase our meaningful relationship with God"
"He lives. He loves us. He hears our prayers and would lead us to eternal happiness"
Other great things this article mentioned:"Dont be harsh in your self appraisal. Rather measure yourself by whether or not you are living the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Personal challenge: not to successfully but to live richly, fully, ad joyfully. The goal is not to wait for the right person but to be the right person."
Thank you for the GREAT article Daddy...
Love Always,