Friday, January 25, 2013

Its official! Wahoooooo!! I read old posts and feel like my blog has officially come full circle. When I first started this blog I was heart broken and starting my road to nursing-- and now I am EMPLOYED and dating the most amazing guy. I am so happy and SO in love.

Monday I had my first day of orientation for the residency program and met the other 40 people in the program. It was so great to meet the other people Swedish hired. I met the other 2 girls hired on my unit and am SO happy, they could not be anymore perfect. This week of orientation was long and really slow but I can hardly wait to get on the floor and actually do what I have been taught for 2 years. Although I still feel like I am in school with "online modules" and juggling clinical schedules. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have been given.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Update on my life through pictures:
double date bowling couldnt be happier-- great friends and my boyfriend/best friend

nye with the girls 

nye with the Lauren  

nye with Riley. couldnt start the year off any better than with my best friend xoxox

Tubbs Family sweater party 2012 

So I have made a resolution to get things done off my "Bucket List 2012". I have also added a few things...

-Save someones life
-Graduate Nursing school/Pass my NCLEX
-Go to Europe
-Buy a home
-Go on a healthcare humanitarian mission
-Own 2+ pairs of Christian Louboutin
-Train a dog
-Get a big girl job (start at Swedish in Issaquah in the Residency Program 1/21!)
-Finish my BSN (accepted in UT-online ADN to BSN) 
-Go to Karma on the Jersey shore
-Go on a cruise
-Learn how to play the piano (again...)
-Run a half marathon (signed up for and paid! BOOM! june 22!)
-Get my concealed weapons permit 
-Be confident in my body