Thursday, December 30, 2010

 (Derek and I at the Seattle Science Center in 2007)

          (Zahajko Family: Michael, Ami, Derek, Kait, Mom, Dad, Me, Lidia in front Christmas 2008)
                              **Dog in picture is a stand in :) Bear is our neighbor at the cabins dog
 (Lidia, Mom and I in Montana in 2006)

Agh again I am SO slacking....sorry! Heres a quick update on life to the present:

  • Finished my first semester in nursing school and managed to pull a B+
  • I flew home and was reuinited with an old friend (quick story: we met at efy in utah when we were 15, found out we lived less than 20 mins away from each other, and went on our first date together. life got busy and he went on his mission and literally 6 years later we found each other again on facebook. Skylar is a great guy and i am excited he is back in my life- especially because he made the flight time go by so fast) 
  • I ate sushi....lots of it!! trappers is seriously a slice of heaven in my life
  • Sara came over and we got to see each other, we made oreo balls (thanks emily for the recipe!) and played mario kart wii!! I kicked her butt....
  • The wholeeeeeeeeeee family came over for dinner (derek, kait, michael, ami, braden <3 caleb, lidia and my mom and dad)
  • We went to the cabin and there was a lot of snow. it was so beautiful. 
  • We went and saw tangled (I LOVE this movie- even better than enchanted and beauty and the 2 favorites!)
  • We went to dinner at a family friends house (Sherwoods) who I havent seen in over 5 years!
  • I went with my mom shopping
  • Braden has come over to play. He said "nat come to my house and play toyyyys" he is my new boyfriend and quite the stud muffin if i do say so.
  • I went with sara shopping 
  • I got some amazing black boots that i have been needing/wanting 
  • We went to costco....almost everyday
  • I went in the hot tub (i miss having one in utah SOOOO SOOOO SOOO MUCH!)
  • I ordered my textbooks for next semester (everyone say a prayer...this semester will be a lot harder!) one textbook USED was $238 CRAZYYY
  • I have been playing wii like no ones business! Lidia and I have reached the castle of the 5th world and have had a lot of fun playing wii. we both have blisters on our hands from playing so much wii! 
  • I have played hand and foot which is one of my FAVORITE card games. 
  • I have been slacking on eating healthy and working out....great. dang holidays!
  • I have thought about my new years resolutions for the next year
This trip home has been so busy and very relaxing. Today is filled with more pj time, laundry and having the WHOLEEEE family over AND the Gillis family (Ami's family who are visiting from Layton: I never see them unless I am in wa. i am a horrible mean person i know...)

Tomorrow is Sara and My new years eve party...I am going to get a mani/pedi in the afternoon with some girls from work! :) Then will start baking and cooking appetizers for when people come over. Keegan I am SOOOO excited you are coming. Thank you.
 (Cousin Katie and I at cabin in Greer, AZ)

(Mikey and I at BYU when we ran into each other in the Math Lab- ONLY time we ever saw each other on campus!!)

(Mom, Lidia and I at Snowbird Resort 2008)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

People always ask what I did to lose 50 lbs and Ive decided to post my secret so people will stop asking.

Hard Work

I didnt change my food (just ate better portions...and refused dessert more often) I still eat pizza, and sushi (my favorite foods) but i just eat a better amount and no as often.

I started going to the gym. Whenever I was tired or sore 10 more...either 10 more mins on the treadmill or 10 more sit ups/lungs. With the mentality of "never give up" and hard work I lost 50 lbs and am feeling better.

You do not get where you want to be by giving up.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sorry I haven't been blogging lately...I have noticed when I have a lot on my mind I don't blog (which is probably when it would be the most beneficial) Here's the update in my life. 

I went home for the holidays, and it was SO nice to see my family and be around my hometown. There is something magical about Maple Valley that makes me feel smart, confident, and every other good feeling. I love coming home and knowing the subzero refrigerator is FULL of food, my parents will be working on a house project, and that I will go to Trappers Sushi AT LEAST once. Home is a feeling for me- its a rooting and regrouping. I always leave feeling recharged, and back to myself and my true self. When I got home it was SNOWY (which is SO rare!), painters were painting our house, I made/ate pies, watched football and was lazy for an entire week. However if you know me being lazy for an entire week doesn't really work out well for me. I get so anxious for the 1023048230948 things I have to do. After a couple days I started getting fidgety and really anxious- I have 3 finals coming up in my nursing class and was worried about them. So despite how wonderful my family/home is I knew I needed to get home and study. It was a total buzz kill for my vacation. (Thank GOODNESS I'll be going back in 17 days) 

Now that I am back from home things have been anything but perfect.

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” ♥

I have had finals like crazy and most of them have been test that require me getting 80% or better or else I get DROPPED from the program. No pressure right!? I love nursing school don't get me wrong- but I honestly feel like I am emotional and stressed because of it. It has made me become a nervous wreck. That is the main reason of my blog today. I want to feel like I have a handle on my life, emotions and my future. Update: I passed my first final and have another one today!

Life has been SO magical lately up until Thanksgiving break. I am SO happy with who I have become lately, and was spending time with one of the MOST amazing people I have met. They made sure I knew I was beautiful, smart and could do anything. They put up with my emotional roller coaster ride of nursing school. They most importantly taught me to never settle, and that I deserve someone like this in my life. Not having this person in my life anymore will be hard, uncomfortable and weird but I know I will be ok. I appreciate everything they did for me and all the times they listened to me complain and stress out. You are ONE-OF-A-KIND <3

Things to look forward to about Christmas season:
-Watch Elf
-Look at Christmas Lights
-Drink hot cocoa
-Decorate gingerbread houses
-Temple Square Christmas Lights
-Going home for Christmas
-The Cabin/Snowmobiles/Fireplace during the break
-Being done with finals
-See The Nutcracker in theater

Thank goodness for the holiday season. Tis the season....