Thursday, December 30, 2010

 (Derek and I at the Seattle Science Center in 2007)

          (Zahajko Family: Michael, Ami, Derek, Kait, Mom, Dad, Me, Lidia in front Christmas 2008)
                              **Dog in picture is a stand in :) Bear is our neighbor at the cabins dog
 (Lidia, Mom and I in Montana in 2006)

Agh again I am SO slacking....sorry! Heres a quick update on life to the present:

  • Finished my first semester in nursing school and managed to pull a B+
  • I flew home and was reuinited with an old friend (quick story: we met at efy in utah when we were 15, found out we lived less than 20 mins away from each other, and went on our first date together. life got busy and he went on his mission and literally 6 years later we found each other again on facebook. Skylar is a great guy and i am excited he is back in my life- especially because he made the flight time go by so fast) 
  • I ate sushi....lots of it!! trappers is seriously a slice of heaven in my life
  • Sara came over and we got to see each other, we made oreo balls (thanks emily for the recipe!) and played mario kart wii!! I kicked her butt....
  • The wholeeeeeeeeeee family came over for dinner (derek, kait, michael, ami, braden <3 caleb, lidia and my mom and dad)
  • We went to the cabin and there was a lot of snow. it was so beautiful. 
  • We went and saw tangled (I LOVE this movie- even better than enchanted and beauty and the 2 favorites!)
  • We went to dinner at a family friends house (Sherwoods) who I havent seen in over 5 years!
  • I went with my mom shopping
  • Braden has come over to play. He said "nat come to my house and play toyyyys" he is my new boyfriend and quite the stud muffin if i do say so.
  • I went with sara shopping 
  • I got some amazing black boots that i have been needing/wanting 
  • We went to costco....almost everyday
  • I went in the hot tub (i miss having one in utah SOOOO SOOOO SOOO MUCH!)
  • I ordered my textbooks for next semester (everyone say a prayer...this semester will be a lot harder!) one textbook USED was $238 CRAZYYY
  • I have been playing wii like no ones business! Lidia and I have reached the castle of the 5th world and have had a lot of fun playing wii. we both have blisters on our hands from playing so much wii! 
  • I have played hand and foot which is one of my FAVORITE card games. 
  • I have been slacking on eating healthy and working out....great. dang holidays!
  • I have thought about my new years resolutions for the next year
This trip home has been so busy and very relaxing. Today is filled with more pj time, laundry and having the WHOLEEEE family over AND the Gillis family (Ami's family who are visiting from Layton: I never see them unless I am in wa. i am a horrible mean person i know...)

Tomorrow is Sara and My new years eve party...I am going to get a mani/pedi in the afternoon with some girls from work! :) Then will start baking and cooking appetizers for when people come over. Keegan I am SOOOO excited you are coming. Thank you.
 (Cousin Katie and I at cabin in Greer, AZ)

(Mikey and I at BYU when we ran into each other in the Math Lab- ONLY time we ever saw each other on campus!!)

(Mom, Lidia and I at Snowbird Resort 2008)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

People always ask what I did to lose 50 lbs and Ive decided to post my secret so people will stop asking.

Hard Work

I didnt change my food (just ate better portions...and refused dessert more often) I still eat pizza, and sushi (my favorite foods) but i just eat a better amount and no as often.

I started going to the gym. Whenever I was tired or sore 10 more...either 10 more mins on the treadmill or 10 more sit ups/lungs. With the mentality of "never give up" and hard work I lost 50 lbs and am feeling better.

You do not get where you want to be by giving up.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sorry I haven't been blogging lately...I have noticed when I have a lot on my mind I don't blog (which is probably when it would be the most beneficial) Here's the update in my life. 

I went home for the holidays, and it was SO nice to see my family and be around my hometown. There is something magical about Maple Valley that makes me feel smart, confident, and every other good feeling. I love coming home and knowing the subzero refrigerator is FULL of food, my parents will be working on a house project, and that I will go to Trappers Sushi AT LEAST once. Home is a feeling for me- its a rooting and regrouping. I always leave feeling recharged, and back to myself and my true self. When I got home it was SNOWY (which is SO rare!), painters were painting our house, I made/ate pies, watched football and was lazy for an entire week. However if you know me being lazy for an entire week doesn't really work out well for me. I get so anxious for the 1023048230948 things I have to do. After a couple days I started getting fidgety and really anxious- I have 3 finals coming up in my nursing class and was worried about them. So despite how wonderful my family/home is I knew I needed to get home and study. It was a total buzz kill for my vacation. (Thank GOODNESS I'll be going back in 17 days) 

Now that I am back from home things have been anything but perfect.

“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.” ♥

I have had finals like crazy and most of them have been test that require me getting 80% or better or else I get DROPPED from the program. No pressure right!? I love nursing school don't get me wrong- but I honestly feel like I am emotional and stressed because of it. It has made me become a nervous wreck. That is the main reason of my blog today. I want to feel like I have a handle on my life, emotions and my future. Update: I passed my first final and have another one today!

Life has been SO magical lately up until Thanksgiving break. I am SO happy with who I have become lately, and was spending time with one of the MOST amazing people I have met. They made sure I knew I was beautiful, smart and could do anything. They put up with my emotional roller coaster ride of nursing school. They most importantly taught me to never settle, and that I deserve someone like this in my life. Not having this person in my life anymore will be hard, uncomfortable and weird but I know I will be ok. I appreciate everything they did for me and all the times they listened to me complain and stress out. You are ONE-OF-A-KIND <3

Things to look forward to about Christmas season:
-Watch Elf
-Look at Christmas Lights
-Drink hot cocoa
-Decorate gingerbread houses
-Temple Square Christmas Lights
-Going home for Christmas
-The Cabin/Snowmobiles/Fireplace during the break
-Being done with finals
-See The Nutcracker in theater

Thank goodness for the holiday season. Tis the season....

Monday, November 15, 2010

Seattle here I come.

Today (last minute i know...sorry dad!) I booked my flight home!

November 23-November 29 I will be in the happiest place (no not disneyland- but close!) I cant wait to go to the cabin and see my family. Hopefully I can get some studying time in too ;)

I am so grateful for my family and everything they do and have done for me. I love them more than words can describe. "Theres no place like home"-Dorothy <3

Things coming up this week:
-Jazz game
-Harry potter premiere
-Test on Thursday :(

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Photobooth on my macbook is fantastic! <3

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Today my Dad and Brother came into town! -this sentence brings me joy!

I have missed my family SO much lately, you dont realize how much you need someone until you arent with them. That is how I feel about my parents. I grew so dependent and close to them these last 2 years I was home, that being away from them is so hard on me. I love and appreciate them more than I could express.

Tonight my Dad and I (and Michael) went out to dinner (at Tucanos which is THE best restaurant!) Tucanos is a brazilian buffet which has TONS of meat and salad bars etc. After dinner we went to the apple store to "look around at the new ipad" and then my dad surprised me by buying me a macbook pro. eeek! Today was a great day. After my Dad and Brother left someone special came over and took time out of their busy day to see me and play uno (and get their butt kicked) I couldnt have asked for a better day.

Maybe Utah wont be as bad as I was thinking? :)

My birthday has come and passed :) Another year to look forward to.

Things I want to accomplish before I turn 23:
-run a 1/2 marathon
-pass my LPN NCLEX
-have 15K in my savings account
-get a kitten
-go to New York
-watch a baby be delivered
-learn how to make my moms famous ribs

“Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends.”

Life has been so crazy and full of new adventures lately. I honestly feel like I am just holding on for the ride. School is kicking my butt, but I am learning SO much and am grateful for all the clinical opportunities I have.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My birthday month has arrived and this year I honestly havent been celebrating like normal. But I have decided to not let it drag me down for the rest of the month. Here is to a new start of the bday celebration. Trip to nordstrom tomorrow <3 hopefully they will have something good.

Things I want for my bday:
  • bday sushi!
  • pedicure
  • car washhhhhhhh 
  • gerber daisies
  • return to tiffany heart pendant earrings
  • the book "a heart like his"
  • for my best friends to come visit me <3 xoxo miss you girls!

I have honestly just been way homesick and lonely lately. Its wierd to have to start all over and make new friends. My roommates left this weekend and it really made me realize how much I like being around them and appreciate them. They have been so welcoming and sweet to me- I honestly couldnt have asked for anything better.

Here are the top 5 things that happened last week
  1. Gave my first intramuscular injection
  2. Got a 96% on my medication test
  3. I made my birthday cookies
  4. Sounders won their soccer game vs. Kansas City wizards (which puts them in the play offs!!)
  5. I lost 3 lbs

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

School honestly is really taking up my time, and when I'm not at school or studying I am trying to muster up the energy to work out. I have been running and getting back into yoga. I forgot how centering and stress relieving yoga is for me.

What I have been up to lately (besides studying, gym, laundry, church....repeat)
My mom came to visit and we got to spend time together up in Park City! -it is SO beautiful there even in summer. We shopped and went to costco, basically what we would have done if in WA :) I really miss her and look up to her so much. We went to Womens Conference up in Park City and my sweet mom began to cry (no not during the great talk Pres. Monson gave...but before that during the song) She then preceded to cry throughout the entire talk and rest of the meeting. She is such a sweet spirit and I make fun of her for it but she is such a great mother.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Adventures...more to come!

Here are pictures from my adventures in Utah so far. I havent even had time to blog lately because of everything going on. But I figured I would upload some pictures as a teaser of the blog to come :) <3 enjoy....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010


 AMF: (Adios)
 I am packing up my things this week- hopefully fitting my life (clothes!) in my car as i drive 13 hours to Farmington Utah for a new chapter in my life.

Things I will miss:
my family
my own bathroom
my walk in closet
starbucks on every corner
covington red robin (pathetic i know- i feel like an addict: we have a love/hate relationship!)
my bright room
my moms cooking
sounders games
the hawaii trip :(

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First off: Keegan our short lived 8th grade relationship is still hands down the BEST relationship I've been in, you were the most romantic bf! :)

This week/month/summer have been so busyyy. I honestly can't believe summer is almost over. No more late night jogs, bonfires, passion tea lemonade, tanning oil and summer dresses :( If you know me though you'll know that fall is my favorite! School supplies, football season, boots, jackets, scarves, psl, my birthday, falling leaves and fresh starts. <3 so heres my good bye to summer 2010

This summer I:
worked A LOT
Layed out
Saw old friends (Sara, brit holt, Emily and Danielle)
Got into nursing school
Worked out
Got pneumonia :(
Made some new friends
Fell head over heels for someone
Got A LOT of shots
Learned life lessons about friends

Now that I've said good bye summer let me back track on the last few weeks.
My mom, lidia and I drove to Utah to look for apts, go to orientation and bring some stuff down to layton. It was such a stressful and longgggg weekend. We ate good food (zupas and cafe rio) and saw 100 of apartments (all of which we scary, nasty, moldy,and SCARY!!) after coming home discouraged because we didn't find somewhere to live I found a cute little house in Farmington online. With a leap of faith I decided to move in. I am so excited to start this new chapter in my life. One full of life, happiness, hard work, passion and new adventures.

Sara came home for the week- which is the therapy I needed. I miss having my good, true friends around me a lot. We swam,shopped,ate junk, and shopped some more!one night we did a late night swim in her lake which was so much fun! The lake was warm and the water was so calm it was so peaceful! One night we also went to urgent care because my finger was black and blue from "jamming" it at a work meeting playing football. 10pm, trying to get my ring off, some late night giggles, and a couple X-rays later we found out my finger was broken! :( what an adventure! S I love you and am so grateful for the friendship and memories we have and all the things we've been through together. <3

Friday, July 23, 2010

Eeeek! I honestly cannot believe I start nursing school in a month- I have SOO much to do!

Most importantly I need to find somewhere to live! Thank goodness I have a mandatory orientation meeting July 30th which gives me an excuse to miss work to look for apts and learn more about what nursing school will require.I decided the best solution was to make an excel spread sheet of the complexes near school-that way when I am down there I have the information I need to make a decision. I am so excited to go scrub shopping- mind you scrubs are NOT IDEAL back to school shopping but I have honestly been dreaming about the time I get into nursing school and have to go buy my scrubs for 2 years now. To actually have it happening seems so surreal and exciting!

Enough about school for a minute- I do have a life still besides getting ready to move and start nursing school. I have really been slacking on healthy eating habits- SOMEONE hold me accountable PLEASE!! I have however been better about getting in daily exercise this week :) At least that will KIND OF cancel out my icecream sandwiches and dino-chicken nuggets.  I have been cleaning a lot to get ready for packing. I found a gem of a CD- GREASE SOUNDTRACK. Only a few of my oldest friends would truely understand how signifigant that is to me. When I was living in California Jessica and I would literally rock out and dance to the ENTIRE CD. I have listened to the CD 20+ times since I've discovered it and still am jamming and cant get "The One That I Want" out of my head. (which Im not complaining about!)

"You better shape up because I need a man- and my heart is set on you. You better shape up- you better understand that to my heart I must be true....Youre the one that I want, oohhhooohoooo!" This wraps up the story of my love life. <3 ahhaha

Saturday, July 17, 2010

I am officially starting nursing school August 20th. Eeeek! I can hardley wait!! Orientation is July 30th and I seriously cant sleep because I am SOOO excited.

In the mean time I have a HUGE list of things to do:
-find a place to live!
-figure out the furniture situation (ie-BED!)
-clean out and help my mom get my room ready to become a guest room (sad right?!!)
-figure out some other things for when I move: job? (will i have time?) gym etc.
-enjoy my last few weeks of easy and relaxing life- nursing school is going to kick my butt!
***and I'm going to love everyyyyyyyyyyyyyy minute of it <3

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sorry about the lack of new blogs lately- like i said earlier, I had pneumonia.

A couple of weeks ago we went to Austin, TX for a Erika's wedding. It was such a beautiful ceremony and reception. As I sat there I was so impressed that I couldn't even think of a part of the entire wedding I would have changed (minus the church differences!). She blew me away- I have always said I want a small, simple wedding reception that is very laid back and intimate, but her gorgeous wedding and fun atmosphere maybe made me change my mind...who knows! good thing I have plenty of time to change my mind. The wedding events started off with the rehearsal dinner which on a boat cruising Lake Austin- the food was good, and it was really fun because we were out late enough to watch the bats fly from under the bridge. (A Texas tourism thing) The next day was the wedding at a huge gorgeous church- this really made me appreciate how I have been brought up and really cherished my relationship with the church and the sacred nature of our temples. Although the church she was married in was BEAUTIFUL and grand, i felt blessed to know that through living righteously I would be able to go to the temple someday. Before the ceremony Erika had slide show of pictures and a girl singing beautiful songs before the wedding started. (SUCH a cute idea!) The reception was at a golf course on Lake Travis which is SO pretty- a beautiful scenery. At the reception the tables were decorated with simple flowers that were stunning. I loved her wedding and am so glad I got to be there for the weekend. I love Texas and miss it SO much.

I am waiting impatiently for the mail to come each day- the only things that come for me are my stupid credit card bills. (which are paid off by the time the bill even comes to me, which is why its stupid!) I keep having vivid dreams that I get a letter of acceptance in the mail. The letter always starts of "Congratulations Natalie Zahajko we are proud to announce your acceptance into Provo College Nursing Program for Fall 2010". Yes I have it memorized now because I have this dream once a week. Keep praying for me- Ill be sure to let you all know how it turns out. :)

Having pneumonia sucked- worst way ever to start the summer. I went for a run along the Cedar River Trail and came home SO light headed and sick that I couldn't move or anything. Assuming it was simple dehydration I laid in bed for a few hours drinking gallons of water. When I didn't get better and developed a SERIOUS cough- to the point where I struggled to breathe. Work was miserable and I kept going to try to conquer this cold. However, after my shift on Sunday (yes I know I was being punished for having to work on Sunday) I was determined to go to the doctor on Monday to get medicine to help me get better. (which is a big step for me- I dont like going to the doctor unless I KNOW i am not getting better without medicine) Turns out after some chest xrays I had full blow pneumonia, and it was so severe that my Oxygen levels were drastically low and I had several infections in my lungs. The doctor showed my the xrays which was really interesting and then prescribed my some great medicine. Thank goodness for medicine! I am feeling a lot better today (a week and a few days later) but still have a lingering cough- I am hoping that goes away soon :) Love you all! more updates soon! **i mean it this time


Friday, July 2, 2010


Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lately I haven't felt like blogging at all (which means too much is going on in my head- that its too hard to put my thoughts into words) So is my best attempt to sum it up

I am not the typical Mormon girl (sorry if this is offensive and stereotypical but i feel like since I'm LDS i can be!) I am in absolutely no rush to get married and do not feel the pressure to have 10+ kids. To be honest I haven't even (seriously) thought about dating in the last 2 years. Being 21 (almost 22 this year) I am starting to feel like I am truly understanding myself and growing into the person I want to be. In Mormon time line I am basically an old maid and should have 2 kids by now; but I couldn't be happier at where I am in my life. School really has become my #1 priority. Achieving the academic goals I have set for myself have been so hard, that I really gave up a lot of my social life. I guess meeting the right person really changes your perspective- Recently I have had a reality check and been reminded of the importance of balancing your life and marriage especially. Yes- nursing is still my #1 priority but I think I need to remember that I can't shut out guys and a social life until I achieve my goals.

I also am struggling with the whole nerves of nursing school applications. ENOUGH said.

These last 2 years I've really been in a funk in every way possible. I say I'm doing better and doing great but honestly there are days I wonder how I got where I am- and why life has to throw so many curve balls. Freshman year at BYU really changed me- for better or worse I am not at all that same girl. I have to realize that and accept it. I used to be such a care-free, optimistic and outgoing person. Freshman year I learned a lot about myself and the "real world" and how relationships with people (boys and girls) work. I know it sounds so sinical to say that I have a chip on my shoulder from these experiences but I like to think of it as my "Princess blinders" have been removed. I used to see only the good in people, and the world. Now it's been replaced with disappointment, deceit and pessimism.  All of those words are generally associated with bad things- I don't mean to sound like a bitter old maid, but those words have changed me. I see the world for what it really is- Lately I have really come to accept this transformation in myself. I no longer have to wake up and tell myself "today will be a good day"- just to fool myself into thinking it will be. I look forward to getting up and living life again.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Lately things have been CRAZY! Sorry I haven't been up for blogging at all, I find it the hardest to blog when I don't even know how to express my feelings. I think that is the time when blogging is the most helpful, there's something SO therapeutic about witting your true feelings.

Last week was a really crazy emotional week. I knew that the test was really stressing me out but I didn't realize how many petty stressers I have in my life as well. I really learned how to focus- and not let anything keep me from getting what I want. There's a Miley Cyrus song called Dont Walk Away: It is so perfect and sums up the beginning of my week.
"I've been runnin in circles all day long
I'm out of breath but I'm still going strong
I'm gonna get'cha yeah no matter what they say
You think I'm losing but I always get my way"
I realized that people love to see you fall, they love to think they are the most important part of your life. You think I'm losing but I ALWAYS get my way." <3

I turned my cell phone off on Wednesday- to help me focus! After I got to Utah I went to my Aunt's house and stand studied for a few hours and then went to bed! I woke up nervous but feeling a little anxious, and ready to get it over with. I kept telling myself this test was just the way to show how hard I've worked let me SHINE! I drove to the school and got there early (thank goodness!) and did a few things like paying fees, and signing in for 20 minutes and then had another 20 minutes to calm my nervous and regroup before I started the test. I don't think I have ever felt so calm walking into take a test before.

After the test- which was 5 hours (+1 hour essay portion) and BRUTAL, I went to Cafe Rio. Which if you know ANYTHING about me this is heaven on earth (well tied with nordstrom!) I felt SO brain dead and honestly think if anyone asked me what my name was, I wouldnt even know how to answer it. I took the Cafe Rio back to my aunts house, ate, and crashed!

The next day I woke up and got ready for Steph's bridal shower <3 I absolutely love the entire Holt family, it was SUCH a blessing and miracle that Brit and Suzanne were there that same weekend. The shower was nice and had lots of great food to tempt me. I gave in and had a piece of coconut cream pie-omg and it was WORTH everyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy bite! :)

After the bridal shower I drove out to Provo, I was able to see a few friends from Fall for a little while and then went to meet up with old friends from MV. It was SO much fun seeing Lindsay (and Nate). We went to Inn-n-Out which was divine. It totally reminded me of California beach outings when I was little. After a longggg night I went home and crashed.

The trip was really nice and rejuvenating. I really felt like my growth and progress really came full circle on the trip. I am so grateful for all my wonderful friends and family that have supported me. I love you all.  

Monday, May 10, 2010

4 days...

I am so ready for this. NOTHING is going to keep me from getting my dreams.

"Something has changed within meSomething is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game
Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!

It's time to try
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down!

I'm through accepting limits
''cause someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change
But till I try, I'll never know!
Too long I've been afraid of
Losing love I guess I've lost
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost!
I'd sooner buy
Defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye
I'm defying gravity
And you can't pull me down

There's no fight we cannot win
Just you and I
Defying gravity
With you and I
Defying gravity" -Defying Gravity (Wicked)

Yesterday my brother and his wife got me beautiful flowers for mothers day. <3 It was the perfect timing, yesterday was a hard day, BUT life always seems to bring you up when things are down. I am so grateful for my brothers. (and their wives) This will be a good/productive week! After this weekend I will be done with my applications and be able to relax for a little while. Adventures are soon to come :)


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I can almost see it
That dream I'm dreaming but
There's a voice inside my head sayin,
You'll never reach it,
Every step I'm taking,
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking but I
Got to keep trying
Got to keep my head held high

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm gonna to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing,
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down but
No I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm going to remember most yeah
Just got to keep going
And I,
I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on, cause

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes I'm gonna to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb (yeah)

There's always going to be another mountain
I'm always going to want to make it move
Always going to be an uphill battle,
Sometimes you going to have to lose,
Ain't about how fast I get there,
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb (yeah yeah ea ea)

Keep on moving
Keep climbing
Keep the faith baby
It's all about
It's all about
The climb
Keep the faith
Keep your faith

Dont judge me! I absolutely feel every word of this song. I can ALMOST feel my dream of being a nurse, but there are ALWAYS doubts in my head. -Is this the right choice? Am I going to get in? Am I smart enough? Will I make it? Why cant I just get it?! Why not me? This song really reminds me that I need to focus, and "keep the faith" because there will always be another MOUNTAIN. It will always be an "uphill battle" and sometimes I will have to lose, its about the climb. ENJOY LIFE <3 Thanks to my family and friends who are always encouraging me and keeping me positive. I love you all.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

I failed miserably at being "on my own" and I blame Dante! :) He is so cute I honestly couldn't do anything because ALL I wanted to do was play with him. I learned a lot about life this week though.
  1. I respect single moms- how do they get ready for the day and not be consistantly 2 hours late for everything?! 
  2. I am not fit to be a parent/or even a pet owner for a few years- or atleast  until school/work calm down (so much for getting my kitten)
  3. I don't do well at multi-tasking
This week I am going to get a lot done- For reals this time :)
I am going to finish my psychology study guides which aren't due until May 21. I am already more than 1/2 way done! I hate this psychology class, I feel like it does nothing for me and my nursing path but yet its still required. My teacher reads her slides and is very uninformative, going to her class is by far the biggest waste of time. This week I will actually go to class and finish the study guides.

My intercultural communications class is possibly a bigger waste of time than lifespan psychology. It is at 7:50am too which is like 10 strikes against it :) I need to finish my quiz for that class and email it to my professor. However, he doesn't give us instructions or guidelines for ANYTHING so I'm not really sure what I am supposed to be doing.

The TEAS test is also coming up (time is flying by unfortunately!) So this week I am determined to finish reading the English portion of the textbook, as well as the grammar. I have already started my anatomy flash cards (THANK YOU JASON HAWLEY!) 2 hours a day! (SOMEONE HOLD ME TO THIS!!) I  have my ticket booked for Utah May 14 @2! I am so glad I'll get there early enough to sleep well and calm my nerves. This test really is HUGE and is going to make or break me, start the prayers. :)

Enough about school though. Work has been SO slow lately, which is always a bitter sweet because that means I get off early but yet never make my typical money. LAME! I went to sushi on Friday (first friday I havent requested off and got off in FOREVER!) which was like always SO good. It seriously makes my week when I go to trappers. LIFE CHANGING <3


    Friday, April 30, 2010

    I officially have not been productive this week.
    I am so behind on my TEAS test studying
    I have not gone to class more than 2x this week :/ eek!
    I have eaten all the york peppermint pattys in this house!

    I feel better now that I've gotten that off my chest.

    Monday, April 26, 2010

    Goals of the week:

    Work out 5/7 days out of the week
    Find a dress for the Emberston Wedding
    Study 1-2 hours a day for the TEAS test (May 14)
    Finish my Chapter 4,5 and 6 study guides for Life Span Psychology
    Wake up before 9am everyday (**which is huge for me!)
    Get my Concordia application done (**send transcripts etc)

    Wish me luck....


    Sunday, April 25, 2010

    This weekend started my adventure of puppy-sitting and house-sitting when Derek and Kait are out of town. Dante and I automatically began playing...He can play ALL DAY. It is so hard to put him in his kennel and go somewhere, I feel so sad. He keeps me active and on my toes, this week is going to be very interesting. <3

    I have my fist intercultural communication project presentation this week. This is the project I have SINGLE-HANDED made presentable and completed. I also am going to work on my study guides for my psychology class. Oh and not to mention I still have SO much to study for my TEAS test coming up in 2+ weeks. Eeeek! I need to nail that test.

    I still am happy about life, and am so grateful for that. Hopefully life continues to bless me and things go my way. <3


    Thursday, April 22, 2010

    Last night I worked late, and came home to work on my group project (**I even skipped watching America's Next Top Model, which is HUGE for me!) I woke up the next morning at 7am to meet with my group for our intercultural communication project. When I got there NOT ONE PERSON was there. They all showed up 15+ minutes late, which is SO annoying considering it was EARLY and they were the ones who chose to meet at 8am (on a day we didnt have class!). Not only did they show up late (big pet peeve) but the girls didnt have ANY slides done. What they expected me to do when they got there I have NO IDEA. So basically I wasted 2 hours of my morning doing EVERYONEs work.

    Now I am finishing up the ENTIRE power point, and am gearing up to go to work tonight. BER (brand equity review) for Red Robin is today which is a massive test for work. They asked us 100 questions about anything and everything Red Robin and time our server sequence. Managers get really uptight around this time and work is NEVER FUN during BER. Ughhhh! AND I HAVE TO CLOSE. yuck!

    ON THE BRIGHT SIDE...My dumb psychology teacher canceled class for tomorrow (so she can rock climb?) Now I have a 3 day weekend. wooo!

    Sunday, April 18, 2010

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
    -Theodore Roosevelt
    "Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human."
    -Anthony Robbins
    “Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'”

    Saturday, April 17, 2010


    I haven't been writing my goals on my blog for awhile. sorry... Today I went to the sounders game. It was such a crazy ending and fun day. Lately I really have been focused on a lot of different things, which has made it hard for me to make specific goals. So this weekend I decided to sit down and write a few of them out. (hold me to 'em!)

    Nursing (related) Goals:
    1. GET IN TO SCHOOL (which involves actually applying)
    2. Study for the TEAS test 1 hour everyday
    3. Start looking for a CNA job (ugh ive put it off for too long)

    Life Related Goals:
    1. Work out monday-saturday this week
    2. Get back into Yoga
    3. Be more outgoing/spontaneous
    4. Spend less time on facebook/iphone
    5. Be more Patient
    6. Cook 1 meal per week (at least)

    This week was really uneventful. I had a great weekend though, I honestly couldnt have asked for much more. I spent some time with one of the most amazing person I've met. Life is always so unpredictable, when you think you know how life is going and that you have control something/someone comes in and changes it all. (maybe for the better?) Life you are always keeping me on my toes.

    Never settle for anything less than what you want, never lower your standards for anyone. <3


    ps-ive already lost 15 lbs and feeling better

    Tuesday, April 13, 2010

    My week has really done a 180. Sorry readers for the emotional roller coaster ride :)

    Despite all the hurdles and jumps I feel like I am getting so close to my goals in life, and most importantly becoming the person I want to be. Today I was talking to a girl at work and I was explaining how one day I realized that I cant just wait to get older and become the person I want to be, and that I needed to start changing and working at it now. It really has made a huge difference in my attitude and how I act each day.

    I had my 7:50 class today :( SOOOO EARLY!a Worked and went for a run. NO joke this run was probably the best run I have had in YEARS! It was 55 degrees outside and the sun was setting and my ipod was full of new music. NOTHING beats that feeling.

    "Im stuck in this F***** rut...Maybe its not my weekend, but its going to be my year. Im so sick watching all the minutes pass as I go no where."



    PS-Late easter pictures. :) best easter to date!

    Sunday, April 11, 2010

    This weekend has been awful. I keep trying to stay positive and look for something good to dwell on or look forward to, but still nothing. First let me provide a little background detail...

    1.this was the first week of class (which I have already professed as being classes I HATE!!) who really needs to communicate interculturally!?! I've totally already mastered it! Weekly mani/pedi totally counts!! Life span pyschology-yawn/BLAH! It is so boringggggggg and theoritical, peoples theories and expirements. Blah blah blah....Watson/skinner/Freud. Thank goodness I switched my pyschology major after freshman year.

    2. My room/car/bathroom are messy: for those who know me this comes as no surprise...BUT I have been trying so hard lately to keep it clean. Which is why this is sooo frustrating.

    3. I worked a double on Saturday and closed the night before. (oh AND the night before!!) basically I am sooo incredibly burnt out of red robin and everything associated with it.

    4. I have had the worst cramps...(tmi i know sorry!) but they have been so bad i've actually thrown up! :( add that to working doubles and I am one cranky person.

    5. I miss my friends. Literally i have cried because I miss you all so much. Texting/talking isn't cutting it for me. I don't like that the people I care about are all so far :( hurry back guys I need you.

    Saturday, April 3, 2010

    FIRST of all, Lindsay I am sorry I haven't been blogging.

    This quarter was hard, and I am SO glad its over. I really enjoyed my classes despite how hard they were. Classes that are challenging and require a lot of work always end up being my favorite classes. Despite all the negative comments on Diane Mauldin is a great teacher. I felt like she presented information is a very clear format that was extremely organized, which made it easier to try to learn ALL the information. Luckily stats came naturally to me, I was able to understand the information easier than I did in microbiology. It was actually kind of frustrating. I spent >3hours a week studying in statistics and had an A- and spent 30+hours a week studying for microbiology and got a B+. I wish i could have swapped a few points from my stats class and give them to my micro grade :) But this quarter will be easy and relaxing hopefully....Intercultural communications, Lifespan Psychology!

    I am SUPER bummed because I went to California the last 2 spring breaks to visit Sara, and this is the first year I haven't gone down there. I am REALLY craving some D-LAND and Newport :( well and of course SARA time. I saw a cheap ticket but wasn't sure about finals/work/schedule so I didn't buy it. WORST MISTAKE EVER. When I was able to get my brain to focus the ticket prices had sky rocketed :( I need to get out of MV for a week, and I'm really regretting it. Moral of the story: Don't let school consume you SO much that you cant even plan a VACATION!

    I am also really starting a kick to be healthy. This includes daily work outs, and eating less and better things. I was doing SO good until Easter time came around and my mom bought Lindor chocolate delights. HEAVENLY honestly! I am still working out but its kind of hard to burn off a few of those white chocolate-creamy goodness. :)

    I am the happiest I have been in a LONG time. I am wanting to be better, and develop good habits. <3


    Saturday, February 20, 2010

    This week has been a stressful week of school. I got my 2 midterms back and had a lot of homework due. My microbial profile essay was due, and knowing me I put it off until the last minute. As I was cranking out my 15 page paper at 2:30 in the morning I vowed to work on not procrastinating. I finished my paper up around 4:30am! I woke up at 7am to go to the dentist. I had my mouth numb from anesthia ALL day!!
    This weekend I was only scheduled Saturday morning which is so nice. I am able to have a normal life :) Dad and I had a date night last night. We went to dinner and watched the olympics. It was so relaxing <3
    This week I have really realized how grateful I am that I'm home. It is so wonderful being aroud my family.

    Friday, February 12, 2010

    Chocolate Caramel Cake

    1 German Chocolate cake mix
    1 bag caramels
    1/2 bag milk chocolate chips
    1/2 C. butter
    1/3 C. milk

    Make cake according to directions on box and pour half in a 9x13 pan.
    Bake 20mins at 350
    Melt caramels with the milk and the butter and pour over the cake
    Sprinkle chocolate chips on the top of the caramel and then pour remaining cake batter on top
    Bake another 20mins
    Dear blog,
    I have been slacking in the blogging aspect of my life. I find it challenging to blog when I am so busy with school and life, which is when I should be blogging the most. :(

    This week I got my micro midterm back. I was less than please with my grade. C+ ugh! I studied over 10+ hours! It brought my garde down from a 96 to an 87!! Frustrating!!! But there is another exam on Tuesday! I'm ready to redeem myself.

    I also had my stats midterm this week!! (both on Monday!) that was awful! Unfortunately I didn't manage my time properly for the exam. Updegrove did give me 5 extra credit points on my exam for knowing who won the super bowl :) LOVE him. If anyone needs to take stats Updegrove is great.

    I also consumed pad Thai this week which always makes for a good week. I don't know what it is about Thai but I LOVE it.

    I've been doing better on my work outs (woohooo!) I'm actually enjoying my work out.

    This will be a long weekend.....ugh valentines day!

    Wednesday, January 20, 2010

    Monday was a holiday so I was able to actually have a day off of school and work :)

    I woke up and got a lot done. I cleaned my room, bathroom and my car! After I got all of that done I went to see Precious with Danielle. It was SUCH a good movie that really touches peoples hearts. I think every person should see this movie and the world would become a more loving and gentle place. Precious really impressed me with her determination to love despite having nothing and being hurt. Don't go to the movie for a feel good feeling; I left the movie with a heavy heart.

    After the movie we went to Forever, and I actually found a cute top and tank tops. Then we went to Ulta which is the most amazing beauty store EVER. It seriously has everything (except Mac) in one huge store. I got 2 biolage conditioners on accident, darn now I have to go back ;) I also purchased lovely blush by bare minerals. It is THE BEST blush EVER! I also found a perfect purple nail polish, its a new line from OPI and is called Pamplona Purple. I stocked up on my hair supplies like hair spray and straightener guard. I LOVEEEEEEE Ulta. I am so thankful I am back in WA where there is an Ulta. <3

    Tuesday I had a paper due in Micro. Hopefully I wrote it how I am supposed to, writting for science is way different than I am used to. I also had a quiz which was a real tricky one. It was a quiz about each stain. (granted there are 6 different ones and each one has different 10+ step procedures) I'm pretty sure I got some of the stains mixed up, OH WELL!

    After class I realized I had to work at 4:30 :( I didn't want to go to work because I knew I needed to get my Stats hw done. I also dont get out of class until 2:45 so I have to RACE home and change. Work was actually busy so it made my venture into Red Robin worth it. :) I got out sort of early too so I was able to take Derek his bday present (UW jersey) and finish my hw and study a little for Micro.

    I feel like I'm always running from one place to the next. Life is just SO busy. I am so glad I feel better, it makes my busy schedule not as bad. :)

    Watching the news keeps talking about Haiti and their huge earthquake that destroyed their capital. SO SAD! Its so sad because Haiti has always been a poor country, but an earthquake killed over 70,000 and demolished buildings. Now the poor country has even less which is absolutely nothing. In micro we were talking about typhus which is a lice disease that killed Anne Frank. It is a lice found in poor countries (ie-Haiti) and has a mortality rate of 60%!!! My professor Mauldin was saying that if (which is more than 90% likely) Typhus is in Haiti, the lack of water to bathe and dead bodies is going to spread the disease SO fast. She is worried that of the survivors more than 70% will get Typhus and even more will die. It is just a horrible sad situation for the people of Haiti. Its hard because I am torn between helping and letting people suffer in order to lift themselves up. These people do not have the resources to rise up and make a better life. It is just heart breaking. Hopefully aid will be there to prevent further destruction.

    **In the news! Massachusetts elected a new Senator who is Republican (and against Obama's Health care) THANK GOODNESS! His health care plan is the WORST idea our country has heard. We are in a huge economic crisis and have so many other bigger urgent problems. NOT TO MENTION that everyone who has this health care system (who we are trying to emulate) HATES it and comes to America for quality practice of medicine. I for one do not want to go to school for SO long to not be expected to be practicing at the highest quality. Doctors and Nurses wages would decrease, causing a bigger deficit of Nurses in our country. When you open the flood gates and drop cost the quality decreases as well. GREAT idea Obama. THANK YOU MASSACHUSETTS!!

    Saturday, January 16, 2010

    I finally went to the doctor and turns out after 3-4 months of on and off sickness. (serves me right since I'm wanting to be a nurses I should know better) It turn out for the last 3-4 months I have been fighting strep throat, ear infections and sinus infections! The doctor was concerned about me developing pnemonia because I let these infections incubate in my body for quite some time. I alway believed that my body is strong and whenever possible I dont take medicine. However, this lingering illness has changed my view on the severity and duration of a "common cold/sore throat" should be. Moral of the story: if you feel sick for more than 7 days a doctor visit may be appropriate :) learn from my pride!

    Being sick does have it's perks...I have been watching movies and sleeping! I went to blockbusters to rent some Moira but they had their great deal 3 movies for $20!! Who could resist right!? I bought: Hes just not that into you (a movie I swear was made for me! It helps me re-force on guy problems), confessions of a shopaholic (storyyyyy of my freaking life!), and 17 again (zac efron need I say more?!) atleast I'll have energy and be back to my healthy self soon! :) yayyyy antibiotics <3

    Monday is no school :) I am so excited! The only problem is that my teachers figured with the longer weekend they should assign more hw. GRRRRREAT!! So here I am on a 4 day weekend exhausted (strep makes you feel so drained), sick, busy and stuck writting a paper about a microorganism and stats hw! I live SUCH a glamerous life...

    This week goals are:
    1. 100% on every micro quiz
    2. 100% essay (intro/stats) in micro
    3. Spend less than $20 dollars
    4. Clean my car/room
    5. Work out ROUTINE-LY

    Tuesday, January 12, 2010

    27 hours in a day!?

    My life has been so busyyyyyyy now that school has started again, work and TRYING to work out/eat right again. Literally I feel like I am stretching the clock to find more time in the day to get everything accomplished.

    Monday and Wednesday are my favorite days. I don't work (I don't have time) :) microbiology starts at 12:30 and goes until 2:30. The class is veryyyyyyyyyy long but I am actually challenged and interested in the class. I was really worried about Mauldin (**the professor) because everyone says "she is the devil and is impossible to get an A from". So far I have been pleasantly surprised :)

    After micro i have 3 hours until statistics. I eat my lunch and the study. It would be sooo nice if my gym was in Bellevue so I could work out during my break, instead I study and get hw done. It's actually really productive and helpful to have time inbetween classes. Statistics is a fun class. I have been busting my butt in science classes for over a year now, and it feels good to be doing something other than SCIENCE. My professor UpDegrove is so nice and really helpful in his teaching. I learn so much and feel confident in my abilities to do the formulas and work we do in class at home by myself. So far I feel like I'm getting it :)

    On days I don't have stats (**Tuesday and Thursday) I work after micro. It's so hard to be at work when I know how much I should be studying/doing at home :-/ My flashcards have become very helpful because I can bring them to work and flip through them in my spare time.

    My car is a disaster!! Not only is it a MESS, I need new windshield wipers SO bad (**just don't have time to get them!) My oil needs to be changed AND my 45k mile tune up needs to be done soon! Not to mention my brakes NEED to be checked. Ughh isn't this all what boys are needed for!?!

    Hopefully I can manage to do everything and balance my life this quarter <3

    Wish me luck!

    Back to school

    So today is the first day of winter quarter. Yuck! I forgot how much I despise long lines, crowded study center and crowded classes (because people actually go th first week of class!)

    I am the type of person that sits in the front middle, prime "T" area. Let me explain...the "T" theory is a study done which proved that people who sit in the front row or along the middle (where the prof stands) statically get better grades.

    Saturday, January 2, 2010

    Pretty Girl

    Pretty Girl -Sugar Cult

    Pretty girl is suffering, while he confesses everything
    Pretty soon she'll figure out what his intentions were about
    That's what you get for falling again
    You can never get 'em out of your head

    It's the way
    That he makes you feel
    It's the way
    That he kisses you
    It's the way
    That he makes you fall in love

    She's beautiful as usual with bruises on her ego and
    Her killer instinct tells her to beware of evil men
    And that's what you get for falling again
    You can never get 'em out of your head
    And that's what you get for falling again
    You can never get 'em out of your head

    It's the way
    That he makes you feel
    It's the way
    That he kisses you
    It's the way
    That he makes you fall in love

    It's the way
    That he makes you feel
    It's the way
    That he kisses you
    It's the way
    That he makes you fall in love

    Pretty girl, pretty girl

    Pretty girl is suffering, while he confesses everything
    Pretty soon she'll figure out
    You can never get 'em out of your head

    It's the way
    That he makes you cry
    It's the way
    That he in your mind
    It's the way
    That he makes you fall in love

    It's the way
    That he makes you feel
    It's the way
    That he kisses you
    It's the way
    That he makes you fall in love
    Good things about 2009:
    Stayed at home and focused on school/nursing
    Going to Hawaii
    Going to visit my 2 best friends: in Pullman and Irvine
    Clyde going to kitty heaven
    Michael and Derek working for my Dad
    Saving money
    Learning a lot of life lessons

    Things to Look forward to in 2010:
    Getting into Nursing school
    Starting Nursing
    Learning more about myself and relationships with people

    Goals for 2010:
    Save 10K
    Get into nursing school
    Be healthier
    Form close relationships with those around me
    Learn how to be proactive

    Here I come 2010 you better watch out <3