Day 3
Today started off like normal. I woke up exceptionally early to be "productive" in Hawaii (yes that sentence is ironic) We went to the pool all day. It was a nice day but in the back on my mind I was worried about 1.receiving my final in the mail 2.being able to actually DO my final.
My Mom and Dad brought back lunch from their adventures of getting medicine for my Dad. (**who might I add convinced a nurse to prescribe him medicine over the phone...bad ass!) With lunch my mom brought me MAIL from the office, which indeed had my final JUST in time. :) So the honest person I am, I opened the package and began looking at the problems. THANK GOODNESS I did the test in Hawaii. It was literally the HARDEST math test I have ever taken (**and I have taken harder math courses) Discouraged I called it an early day around 4pm and went up to my room to start looking up problems in my math book. AND watch the Oregon vs. Oregon St game. :)
After the game got over we headed to dinner at Thai food. It wasn't as good I remembered it being, which was very discouraging. Last year we went there 2x because it was SO good and spicy. Its called Maui Thai and is EXCEPTIONALLY spicy, I order 1/5 and feel like I can breathe fire. My FAVORITE part of the dinner is homemade coconut ice cream with deep fried bananas. After dinner we all went back to our rooms and PASSED OUT.
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