So life has been so different lately, and I don't know if its due to me being sick or a change of the tides. Hopefully the fall season is bringing the normal things that make me smile: psl, football, uggs, sweaters, school supplies, falling/changing color leaves, birthday and Halloween. Maybe this fall will bring hope, determination and answers to my prayers.
Yesterday I went on my first (real/true) date in a while, we went to a Haunted House. So I decided 1.I have a hard time being affectionate with someone 2.I don't know what I want the "perfect guy" to be like. I thought I knew what he was like in my head, but I think some of the things I thought that were important before have changed. 3.I am not at all afraid of blood (unless contaminated with HIV etc)
Today I watched conference, Jeffrey R. Holland's talk was so amazing! He spoke witness of the Book of Mormon in words that were so beautiful and true that I felt like it was directly from the Lord. I don't see how anyone watching his talk could deny the Book of Mormon, and not feel the love of Jesus Christ in his testimony. He bore of his love for the scriptures, and his faith in their purity and truthfulness. It made me reflect on my testimony of the scriptures, and the Lord. Jeffrey R. Holland is my favorite speaker this year, next to President Monson. President Monson always makes me feel his love for the gospel, and church. He also makes me strive to be better, I loved the song he incorporated into his talk today "Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad, and made someone feel glad, if not I have failed indeed". Such simple lyrics but their simplicity say exactly Christ message during his ministry. I used to love conference because it was a week of not having to go to church but am realizing I love if for the opportunity to hear the Apostles and use their strength to build my testimony.
Tomorrow I have a longgggggggg list of things to do. YUCK! Laundry, Bank, Clean my room and car, Group Project and it keeps going. yay...I LOVE monday ;) but on the bright side Gossip Girl is on! Mondays are challenging but I am going to try to not be discouraged and seize the day! Wish me luck...
Love Always,
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