I have so much going on lately, I am sorry I haven't been diligent about blogging.
My birthday was Sunday and it was probably the most unexciting day...which might be why it was my favorite day of this whole year so far. I spent the day (week) with my family celebrating a few of my favorite things. Here are a few of the great activites/things we participated in:
Sushi- 2x I am obsessed
Nordstrom Cafe
Funfetti everything (**all dyed pink)- Cake, Cookies and Cupcakes <3
Family dinner
Icecream cake (**cookies 'n cream from Cold Stone)
Sounders game (**they won! It was one of my favorite games this season!)
Letter from Matthew Harper
Thank you all for your love and support for 21 years...and counting :) <3
Things to look forward to:
Trip to Pullman to see Danielle :)
Finally purchasing Tory Burch flats
Thanksgiving at the Cabin (**soooo relaxing! I cant wait until the expansion project is done!)
New Moon: November 20th 12:00am :)
Hawaii with the ENTIRE family December 1
Life is so wonderful. People make fun of me because I HATE surprises...but its knowing the wonderful things in my life that are coming up that keep me so happy and optimistic.
"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” - Frederick Keonig
Love always,
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Exhausting. Everything about this week was exhausting!!
Right when I felt like I have gained control of my emotions life throws me a curve ball. Its like God is sending a final to test and see how well I've really learned my lesson and learned to control my emotions. This week I was contacted by 2 people I loved and was hurt greatly by. Its weird how you forget how important someone is, until they are back in your life and filling a role in your life you didn't realize was empty. I pride myself on being a very understanding and forgiving person, which often leads me to be hurt and "walked all over", but its moments like this week when I appreciate my ability to forgive and let people back into my life. Friendship is hard to find and should be cherished, and not thrown away at the first chance. (**But it also makes me REALLY appreciate and love my friends that are ALWAYS there for me. I think I have a few of the worlds most amazing people as friends.)
This week I was in awe and wonder at the beauty of the world (**more specifically my dear Maple Valley) It is fall season here in the beautiful northwest, which means leaves are changing and falling. It is probably one of the most beautiful experiences to witness, the leaves turn the most beautiful orange/red and glitter on the roads. I took a picture of a beautiful tree near my house, that captures the beauty of fall. There were thunder and lightening storms all week which made for the prime hot chocolate, fireplace and slippers mood. I forgot the wind storms, and thunder/lightening storms when I remembered winters in Maple Valley when I was in Provo complaining about the snow. I still would take the winters here in Maple Valley over the Provo snow ANY DAY! :) After all the storms and rain, I was driving and found this BEAUTIFUL rainbow. The picture doesnt even do it justice. It was after a longgggggggg day of work (**typical complaint I know!) and I was really thinking about myself, friendships, love, god, and my testimony and (ofcourse) nursing and turned the corner to this beautiful, vibrant rainbow. It reminded me of God's promise to never flood the earth like he did to Noah. (phewf! I worry sometimes about that!) It gave me a little more of a warm fuzzy feeling than just a convenient to not flood the earth. I felt it was a little sign from God that he is looking out for me, knows and remembers my purpose and remind me of my plans in life. I probably am reading too much into a silly rainbow but I know I felt such an amazing warm feeling that gave me such comfort. My life has so much left ahead of it <3
Oh I also went to my FIRST seahawks game today, we lost. bad! 3-27 but I am convinced it was one of my best memories! I called in sick :) (**DONT TELL!) Life seems to really be getting a little better each day, I can say that I am happy and its not a struggle or due to me making and effort to find happiness.
Love always,
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So yesterday I had a very productive day! I went to Cold Stone Creamery to pick up ice cream cupcakes for Tatum's birthday celebration at work, and they turned out SO cute! I splurged and ate the cake batter cupcake and it was DIVINE, really it's one wonderful secret. We all enjoyed the ICECREAM cupcakes in the terrential down pour/wind storm! (**I forgot about the wind storms here in WA)
At work the wind was blowing so hard that the power went out!! How do you work in a restaurant without power? GREAT QUESTION! You really can't. We couldn't legally serve food, or any drinks (**including water!!) and I had to wait until the Regional Manager called back to release us from work and tell us to go home. However, he didn't ever call back so we sat, in the silent. I have to admit after I got over the odd feelings of the quiet restaurant I began to enjoy my time in a calm (**relatively speaking!) and quiet setting. After about 2 hours the power returned!
I really then realized how in life we take for granted SO many things. (ie-POWER!) I was reminded of the show after Conference about the light in Ghana. :) It was a documentary about how BYU engineering students created a toy that would generate energy, and store it in a generator. This generator was then used to charge flash lights, and LED light lanterns that allowed the students in Ghana to study in the dark. Many believed these few extra hours of study time will give so many more opportunities to the people of the school. It was so moving. In life we take advantage of living in such privilege, I don't think twice before I turn on my running hot water for a shower, or turning on the light switch. Getting in my car for a quick drive to pick something up at the grocery store is a daily routine that is easily taken for granted! This week I am going to try to remember to turn off my lights, shorten my shower and be grateful for the privileged life I live.
After work I went to get my Halloween costume, and was very discouraged...This year I am trying to go for more CLASSY and less TRASHY. (**I don't think the costume creators understand the difference!) I want to be an Indian this year but the costumes at the store are definitely something Pocahontas would NOT wear. Ugh! After being discouraged I went to Relief Society "Terrific Tuesday" activity with my mom. :) ahahahah! It was a night full of arts and crafts which was exactly what I have been needing in my life. I made a great cook book for recipes and a bulletin board. Thank goodness for Relief Society!! <3 I then went to the gym and ran my heart out! 50 minutes (thanks to UW volleyball team for dragging the game against Standford out....I couldn't get myself to stop running until it was over!)
This morning I worked on my online math (**YUCK!) I have been totally slacking on being proactive and working on the group project.
I then continued my artsy mood and started my project of making flower head bands. SUPER CUTE! Tonight I am having dinner with my "Big Sister" <3 I am so excited to see her and get the much needed sisterly advice. :)
Wish me luck with my math hw...
Love always,
Monday, October 12, 2009

I have been praying for help in making possibly one of the biggest decisions in my life. Utah or Washington? BSN or ASN? The main question I have been wrestling in my mind is: Academic or Personal? Most of the schools in Washington are better academically for me than the schools in Utah. However, I miss Utah and would love the environment there much more than I would in Washington.
I keep reminding myself it is only 2 years of my life and I will be free to go where I'd like after. Life full of choices and surprises, which would be great but I HATE surprises. It is really frustrating because one day I will be convinced one school is the right choice and wake up the next morning completely contradicting myself. I am so grateful for my friends putting up with my indecisive-ness and especially my parents for their support and love. They believe in me and know that the world is mine for the taking.
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference. " -Robert Frost The Road Not Taken
This poem has been such a strength to me and has really put life into perspective to me. I feel a lot like the traveler, torn between the paths. I know I will be able to make the choice right for me and it will have "made all the difference".
Life, this is me taking a leap of faith, please don't let me fall!
Love Always
Sunday, October 4, 2009

So life has been so different lately, and I don't know if its due to me being sick or a change of the tides. Hopefully the fall season is bringing the normal things that make me smile: psl, football, uggs, sweaters, school supplies, falling/changing color leaves, birthday and Halloween. Maybe this fall will bring hope, determination and answers to my prayers.
Yesterday I went on my first (real/true) date in a while, we went to a Haunted House. So I decided 1.I have a hard time being affectionate with someone 2.I don't know what I want the "perfect guy" to be like. I thought I knew what he was like in my head, but I think some of the things I thought that were important before have changed. 3.I am not at all afraid of blood (unless contaminated with HIV etc)
Today I watched conference, Jeffrey R. Holland's talk was so amazing! He spoke witness of the Book of Mormon in words that were so beautiful and true that I felt like it was directly from the Lord. I don't see how anyone watching his talk could deny the Book of Mormon, and not feel the love of Jesus Christ in his testimony. He bore of his love for the scriptures, and his faith in their purity and truthfulness. It made me reflect on my testimony of the scriptures, and the Lord. Jeffrey R. Holland is my favorite speaker this year, next to President Monson. President Monson always makes me feel his love for the gospel, and church. He also makes me strive to be better, I loved the song he incorporated into his talk today "Have I done any good in the world today? Have I helped anyone in need? Have I cheered up the sad, and made someone feel glad, if not I have failed indeed". Such simple lyrics but their simplicity say exactly Christ message during his ministry. I used to love conference because it was a week of not having to go to church but am realizing I love if for the opportunity to hear the Apostles and use their strength to build my testimony.
Tomorrow I have a longgggggggg list of things to do. YUCK! Laundry, Bank, Clean my room and car, Group Project and it keeps going. yay...I LOVE monday ;) but on the bright side Gossip Girl is on! Mondays are challenging but I am going to try to not be discouraged and seize the day! Wish me luck...
Love Always,
Friday, October 2, 2009

Wicked was SO amazing. It was so much fun to watch, and I LOVED the music and costumes. I really loved Elphaba, and Glenda! Our seats were perfect and I loved every part of the play. It made me excited to watch "The Wizard of Oz" :) The CD is in my car and it makes me smile. However, the adventure of my mom driving to Seattle was...interesting to say the least. It took us 1 hr 45 mins to get to Palisade which is normally a 45 min drive. We had the best fresh salmon and banana ice cream :) Palisade is my FAVORITE place to eat, the Seattle shores are so beautiful in their own unique way. This day couldn't have been any better except I was sick, but I didn't let that get in my way.
“Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
Love Always,
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