Q. How do you eat an elephant?
A. One bite at a time
This week is going to be INSANE. We had our last classes today, which was an amazing feeling but yet it was a daunting feeling that the end is really here. Finals really are just around the corner. Just this week I have 2 clinicals, a pharm final to work on, ATI remediation, 2 care plans, studying for a pharm test monday and studying for the at risk final on thursday. I have tried so hard to stay on top of all my hw lately but this is ABSOLUTELY insane. It will all be worth its over right?! Wish me luck....
My brothers both flew into town yesterday. Eeeeek! I am sooo sooo excited. Michael has been in Utah more than Washington lately which has been so nice, it is great to see family and have that small comfort feeling. This time BOTH Michael and Derek are here- and for almost an entire week!! I wish I had more time to see them, and I am sure they are busy too but even knowing they are here has made me in a better mood. I love my brothers so much, I know I tease them saying they were awful but I have loved every minute with them. They are 2 of my best friends and I love being around them- I scored with brothers. I know they love me and would do anything in the world to make sure Im happy and safe. Love you guys! xoxo!
I also have decided that I am going to take some advice from JoJo and her song "Too Little Too Late". (Once again- classic if you havent heard it youtube it!) In the song she says somethings that totally pertain to my life right now.
"You take my hand and you say youve changed, but boy you know your begging dont fool me because to you its just a game"
"This is made me strong, Im starting to move on. Im going to say this now- Youre chance has come and gone and you know. Its just too little too late.."
"I was young and in love I gave you everything but it wasnt enough and now you want to communicate."
"Go find someone else. In letting you go, Im loving myself. Youve got a problem dont come asking me for help cause you know its a little too late"
By the beautiful and talented Aubrey Wilkinson |
Aubrey sketched me for her art project- she is TOTALLY talented. I love love love love it. Here is her website, pretty soon shell be up and running to be able to sketch you too! xoxox