Sunday, December 11, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
This week is a new start. I am going to work out EVERY day- even if it is just walking on the tredmil
-Breaking Dawn I Thursday at midnight with a certain guy
-Saturday is the last day of clinicals (bitter sweet)
-Saturday girls night out with Lacie and Jennalee <3 MUCH NEEDED! xoxo
Theme song for the week
-Breaking Dawn I Thursday at midnight with a certain guy
-Saturday is the last day of clinicals (bitter sweet)
-Saturday girls night out with Lacie and Jennalee <3 MUCH NEEDED! xoxo
Theme song for the week
Thursday, October 20, 2011
"Bucket List"
Years ago I watched a movie with my family called "Bucket List", and to this day still think about it often. It was the first time I had heard of a bucket list and from then on have been mentally adding things to my list. I always refer to my "bucket list" and all the magical, wonderful and profound things I am going to accomplish in my life before I die. I decided I need to actually write these things down and begin my journey, soon school will be over (7 months but who's counting?!) and I will step out into life and create my own path.
-Save someones life
-Graduate Nursing school/Pass my NCLEX
-Go to Europe
-Buy a home
-Go on a healthcare humanitarian mission
-Own 5+ pairs of Christian Louboutin
-Train a dog
-Go to Karma on the Jersey shore
(the list is a work in progress) <3 but starting is the first step! xoxo
-Save someones life
-Graduate Nursing school/Pass my NCLEX
-Go to Europe
-Buy a home
-Go on a healthcare humanitarian mission
-Own 5+ pairs of Christian Louboutin
-Train a dog
-Go to Karma on the Jersey shore
(the list is a work in progress) <3 but starting is the first step! xoxo
Monday, October 17, 2011
Lately I have been studying for my midterms and focusing 110% on school, but as much as I try to deny it I miss having that person in my life. I put on a brave face, focus on school and try to tell myself I am going to be ok. I made a CD to help refocus and forget about him....Here are a few songs on my playlist.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Things I am looking forward to: (in no order)
-FALL (see above!)
-Going home for thanksgiving
-My birthday (duhhh)
-Dec 13: end of the semester and the day I leave for hawaii <3
-every Sautrday at IMC
Life is good. I am happy and rebuilding myself and getting to where I want to be. You can either be apart of it or get out of my life. <3
Friday, October 7, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
utah drivers: why do you drive SLOWER in the rain than you maniacs do in the snow? turn your windshield wipers on and DRIVE.
It finally is cooling down here, and I have my windows open to feel the cool breeze and to hear the sound of rain. I dont think there is a more soothing sound than rain on a cool fall day.
It finally is cooling down here, and I have my windows open to feel the cool breeze and to hear the sound of rain. I dont think there is a more soothing sound than rain on a cool fall day.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I realized my blog has been 99.9% about my love/personal life. Dont make someone a priority when youre only and option. School is the biggest part of my life the last year and I have honestly loved it. As the end approaches I really have been thinking a lot about the future, and how blessed I am to be doing something I love so much. I admit the road has not been easy, and wont be a cake-walk the last 2 semesters but the challenge has been part of the fun. It is the best feeling when you are reading or in class and the lectures are making sense.
Today I had orientation at IMC and I literally got goosebumps when I got onto the cardiology floor. Corny I know, but I have never felt SO happy. Today was one of those days I think I will remember forever. I havent been so happy/at peace since everything happened with my mom. Life is good and I couldnt complain about a single thing.
Today I had orientation at IMC and I literally got goosebumps when I got onto the cardiology floor. Corny I know, but I have never felt SO happy. Today was one of those days I think I will remember forever. I havent been so happy/at peace since everything happened with my mom. Life is good and I couldnt complain about a single thing.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
We went to the St.George temple on Sunday and it was SO awesome. I loved how white the temple looked against the red rock, and the temple grounds were honestly BEAUTIFUL. After our hike we decided to do a little hike in the beautiful red rock- in our wedges NO BIG DEAL :) only Megann and I would think its a good idea to hike in wedges. We watched TV and laughed hysterically until our stomachs hurt. We also went in the hall and did hand stands against the walls- Megann somehow was able to dance and do a handstand at the same time. IMPRESSIVE! When I did my hand stand my arms collapsed :( looks like I need to do some upper body strength- real bad! St.George was a blast and I cant wait to do something like that again with Megann
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
St Geezyyyyyyy
We met Lindsey at the pool with her brother Wyatt; honestly the CUTEST little kids ever! (well besides Lidia) <3
In St George we goofed off, laid out by the pool, ate food and had girl time! It was SUCH an amazing weekend.
It was so fun getting to spend some REAL QUALITY time with Megann. We are so similar its nice to be around someone who genuinely gets you. The drive down was very uneventful (which is good!) We ate cinnamon bears and listened to old music. Once we got there we met the hotel manager (such a sweet man!! He instantly became one of our favorite parts of the day when we would run into him!) then we immediately hit the pool. More pictures to come later.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
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Im going out tonight in my red high heels <3 |
Alright I know most of you are tired of the same old posts but I have some updates on my life:
- I am really done being played and not being good enough for someone
- I have been working out EVERYDAY for almost an entire week
- I have been taking iron supplements and it is helping my energy level A LOT
- I have been laying out at the pool and enjoying tan lines and everything summer for the last week of my summer
- I am going to start meeting new people- my friend and I had a talk about the importance of stretching yourself and getting everything out of these opportunities
- I am going to go on the dates I normally would politely avoid
- I am going to enjoy my time being YOUNG and SINGLE
So I start school next week and am totally dreading it....BLAHHHH! Everyone always says "OMG you only have a 9 more months" which yes is great but its not YOU enduring those 9 months. I have been hanging out with Megann a lot lately which has been fun- we are planning a trip to St. George for Labor Day weekend. It is going to be SO much fun. I just booked the hotel (sketchyyyyyyy but hey theres a pool!) I seriously want to lay out, hike red rocks, eat and watch movies. Perfect girl get away <3
St Geezy hide your kids, hide your wife!
St Geezy hide your kids, hide your wife!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
He's just not that into you if:
-he's texting other girls in front of you
-he says he needs time to get over an ex
-he leaves early to go to a party
-he is trying to meet new girls every time you aren't around
-he only stays late if he wants to make out
-he calls you his friend/friends with benefits
Maybe I'll be the exception but I know I deserve more than this...
I dreamed as a girl that the guy I marry would think the world of me, make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world, make me laugh, hold me tight and make me feel safe and secure. I know fairytales don't exist and there is no prince charming but I deserve to be loved.
-he's texting other girls in front of you
-he says he needs time to get over an ex
-he leaves early to go to a party
-he is trying to meet new girls every time you aren't around
-he only stays late if he wants to make out
-he calls you his friend/friends with benefits
Maybe I'll be the exception but I know I deserve more than this...
I dreamed as a girl that the guy I marry would think the world of me, make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world, make me laugh, hold me tight and make me feel safe and secure. I know fairytales don't exist and there is no prince charming but I deserve to be loved.
Dinner with Mom and Lidia at Texas Roadhouse |
Temple Square with Mom and Lidia |
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Life is so amazing. I honestly was laying in bed last night thinking- I dont know how life could get any better. (cliche I know but honestly!) I just moved into a condo, am taking finals, going home soon, starting to work out again, and have been unofficially living at the pool. I have an AMAZING family who loves and supports me (even when i can be difficult), and friends that I miss so much. Nate brought over N64 and we have been playing mario kart almost every night. I LOVE it!! I get so into it, last night I was near tears when I was in last place and going the wrong direction on the course.
Finals are going well. I think this is the first round of finals that I am not a nervous wreck. I am breaking out like crazy but my nerves are totally under control :) I feel confident in myself and my ability to kick butt on the tests! I leave for home after finals on Sunday until MONDAY! A WHOLE week and change. I am way way way excited to spend some time at home with my family (and trappers sushi! <3) I am going to admit I will miss seeing a certain person, and a week will feel like forever. He is the most amazing thing that has happened to me. He knows how to calm me down, cheer me up and does his best to make my life better. He even puts up with me when I am being sassy and stressed out. I love how understanding and patient he is, he is everything I want and need right now. xoxo
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
"Hes Just Not That Into You" by Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo
1. Hes Just Not That Into You If He's Not Asking You Out
"Men find it very satisfying to get what they want....If we want you we will find you" (p 9)
2. Hes Just Not That Into You If Hes Not Calling You
3. Hes Just Not That Into You If Hes Not Dating You
4. Hes Just Not That Into You If Hes Not Having Sex
with You
5.Hes Just Not That Into You If Hes Having Sex with
Someone Else
6. Hes Just Not That Into You If He Only Wants to See
You When He is Drunk
7. Hes Just Not That Into You If He Doesn't Want to
Marry You
8. Hes Just Not That Into You If Hes Breaking Up
With You
9. Hes Just Not That Into You If He Has Disappeared on You
10. Hes Just Not That Into You If He is Married
(or any other insane variations of being unavailable)
11. Hes Just Not That Into You If He is a Selfish Jerk
a Bully or a Really Big Freak
(**Change sex for making out)
(**Change drinking to drinking coffee? haha!)
Girls- This is seriously the truth, YOU ALL should read this
book. (this will eliminate girls having such a bad name!)
Re-looking at this has made me re-think relationships and the
people I care about.
Thank you Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo you have changed my life!!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Today I did a lot of thinking. I thought about where I was 5 years ago (17+ going into my senior year) and where I thought I would be 5 year later. I realized the ONLY thing I was right about was living in Utah. At 17 I saw myself at 22:
-graduated from school with a miraculous degree and "big girl job"
-driving a really nice car that I bought with my salary wage
-dating someone who I wanted to marry
-"sex in the city" mature but with a core group of best girl friends
-have alteady gone to Europe and New York
-have a cute dog that I walk/run with in the mornings
-owning every classy article of clothing from nordstrom
Alright I admit my list is lame, but I really feel discouraged. Why have I let life take control and lose track of the things I really wanted (though I admit some are better off not being completed) Am I too hard on myself? Have I grown up in other ways better than I imagined? Or am I just extremely behind? Maybe the best way to decide is to set some new goals to where I want to be and see myself in 5 years.
In 5 years I will be 27 and:
-graduated with my RN license and a BSN
-comfortable with my weight
-enjoy conference (all sessions)
-saving $/buying a house
-off a "college lifestyle" sleeping pattern
-be confident in my cooking
-see my family more often and be sure they know how grateful I am for them/love them
Wish me luck!
-graduated from school with a miraculous degree and "big girl job"
-driving a really nice car that I bought with my salary wage
-dating someone who I wanted to marry
-"sex in the city" mature but with a core group of best girl friends
-have alteady gone to Europe and New York
-have a cute dog that I walk/run with in the mornings
-owning every classy article of clothing from nordstrom
Alright I admit my list is lame, but I really feel discouraged. Why have I let life take control and lose track of the things I really wanted (though I admit some are better off not being completed) Am I too hard on myself? Have I grown up in other ways better than I imagined? Or am I just extremely behind? Maybe the best way to decide is to set some new goals to where I want to be and see myself in 5 years.
In 5 years I will be 27 and:
-graduated with my RN license and a BSN
-comfortable with my weight
-enjoy conference (all sessions)
-saving $/buying a house
-off a "college lifestyle" sleeping pattern
-be confident in my cooking
-see my family more often and be sure they know how grateful I am for them/love them
Wish me luck!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
I am deciding that I really want to wear less make up. I get addicted to a certain look because I am so self conscious of certain things on my face. I am finally starting to LOVE my freckles (its only taken me 22+ years) I know the eyelash extensions doesn't help the less make-up look but it counts as less make up in my book :)
I read another great talk from the ensign with conference talks and LOVED it. This one was about young women and the impact we have and how important it is to be honest, true, benevolent and chase. There are so many divine qualities to work on, and always improve on. It makes me feel better when I focus on one of those qualities and better myself. I can feel myself improving and growing up; I love knowing that I am maturing and developing into a better person.
I am a little homesick and miss my friends and family especially. You all mean to world to me and have helped me SO much in life.
xoxo N
Monday, June 13, 2011
Some days I day dream about how after school, or after I'm married life will be easier; there wont be tests, or relationship dilemmas to stress about. I know that life never gets easier, and after graduating and after I am married new challenges will arise and be just as complex as these now. I still like to hold onto the idea that one day life may be less complicated and easier. I know that when things are hard and life is complicated and busy to just focus on the things that are important and need to get done- tackle the day and wake up ready for a new start but sometimes it is hard to bounce back after a night of rest. Lately the only time life doesn't seem too overwhelming and confusing is when I am either: working out, WITH a certain boy, or at the temple. Its funny because those seem to be the ONLY things I ever do.
Tomorrow I have clinicals 6am-3pm and then work from 4-10pm. It is going to be rough. Not to mention I have 2 tests on Wednesday that I need to be studying for. Wednesday the certain boy leaves for the weekend and I honestly already feel empty just thinking about it. I seriously feel like a huge part of me will be missing those days. Boo....
Sorry todays blog is so whinny and down. Tomorrow is a NEW day and a fresh start.
Highlight of my day: playing with the kids for our pediatric lab, working out at the gym while reading my ensign
Tomorrow I have clinicals 6am-3pm and then work from 4-10pm. It is going to be rough. Not to mention I have 2 tests on Wednesday that I need to be studying for. Wednesday the certain boy leaves for the weekend and I honestly already feel empty just thinking about it. I seriously feel like a huge part of me will be missing those days. Boo....
Sorry todays blog is so whinny and down. Tomorrow is a NEW day and a fresh start.
Highlight of my day: playing with the kids for our pediatric lab, working out at the gym while reading my ensign
Monday, June 6, 2011
- It is finally sunny here
- I ordered my Littmann stethoscope last week! :)
- Tomorrow I am going to yoga <3
- I am starting to work out again- its about time
We started learning how to do IVs at the end of last semester but never practiced them. My sister in laws dad and brother are both in the healthcare profession and were SO nice and made me try my first IV on them one night at their house. I swear I was shaking and about to cry from fear- but like everything else with nursing you just have to go at it with confidence and it ends up being easier than you feared. (However, IVs are actually just as hard as I imagined) Getting the first time jitters out of the way was helpful. Some people from my program got together and practiced IVs on each other last week (totally a greys anatomy moment- you know when the interns resort to putting epidurals in themselves etc.) and it was SO much fun, I honestly think that knowing it wasnt my first time made it a better experience for me. The more practice I get the more confident I am, and the better I become. No big deal but I got my IV first time ;) School is great and I love every minute of it. Nursing is my passion and I am so grateful I found something I LOVE to do.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Today was a great day. This week has been kind of rough- which is frustrating because I am trying so hard to stay positive and keep high spirits even though things are kind of crazy. So once again I am going to start my blogs off with somethings I am grateful for.
- Yesterday and Today have been BEAUTIFUL- I got to put my sunglasses on and use my sunroof
- My parents. (that honestly is enough said!) my mom and dad are the greatest people I know, I know i say this all the time but I dont know what I would do without them. They are my biggest fans, my best friends, people I can count on to tell me the honest truth (even if it hurts) and love me unconditionally. I talk to my mom literally 10x a day and am not ashamed to admit it <3 One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE things in the world is when my dad calls just to talk. I am the biggest daddys girl (and mamas girl) and love those moments with my dad. I miss them both SO much.
- Les Miserables soundtrack on itunes
- No clinicals today!! SCORE
Today I slept in, and woke up to the sunshine. It was nice to wake up with warmth on my face and knowing it was going to be a beautiful day. I worked on a few emails for school, and edited my paper. I went and got my hair done (finally I felt like such a gross person with nasty split ends!) After that I literally laid in bed and watched "Say Yes To The Dress". (I have a sick obsession with that show) I then ventured to the gym (yes 2 days in a row- I am impressed with myself!!) I then went on a hike with Justin. This was honestly the best part of my day. He was so sweet for being patient with me- a.I am out of shape b.i had JUST worked out c.he took me STRAIGHT UP A MOUNTAIN ;) Kidding but I literally made him stop every 2-5 minutes because my legs felt like jello. (and he didnt even complain) Half way up the hike we took a break and talked. It was such a pretty view and I really enjoy talking to Justin. I feel like him and I are a lot alike. After the break he forced me to finish the hike and see the cave, and I am SO glad he did. The whole hike was fantastic. I love hikes and this was a great one (i just wish i was in shape!) Thank you Justin! After the hike I stopped for a diet coke (naturally!) Now its hw time. booooo. I am so grateful for friends, the new ones here and from home. I really have missed my friends from home lately though- you guys are the best. xoxoxo
Thursday, June 2, 2011
The perfect weekend
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Note my HOT MAMA shoes! |
Last tuesday I got eyelash extensions- advice to ANYONE DO IT! it is worth your $ and is the best thing I have done. My time getting ready is about 15-20 minutes now!! (not exaggerating!) I will admit at first they were a little weird to get used to because they were long and always there but after about a day of being a little self-concious of them I fell in love.
My mom came on Thursday and it was the best weekend EVER! (once again not exaggerating) I had my eyelashes, my mom, shopping, les miserables, yummmmmy food and a certain boy. I honestly feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I am so happy with my life.
Thursday I picked my mom up from the airport and we drove down to Alpine to meet up with my Grandparents (who I rarely see because they have been serving missions on and off for 8 years) It was so great to have my mom with me, and to see my grandparents. After we got there we waited for my cousin (who is PREGNANT! congrats KATIE!) and went to a burger place called JCW which had delicious shakes!! Recommendation: chocolate marshmallow (dont judge it before you try it)! :) After a few hours in Alpine with my extended family my mom and I ventured back up to SLC and ate at Red Iguana. Red Iguana is hands down one of my favorite mexican restaurants EVER. I got the mole pablano and was in heaven. After dinner we were SO full and came home and went to bed.
Friday we woke up and I had clinicals and my mom went and got her hair cut. Then around 3 we met up again and went to SLC to Gygi which is an adorable kitchen/home store in SLC. I decided I wanted just about everything in the store (thank goodness I dont have a place for home/kitchen stuff yet or else I might have gone crazy!) After that my mom and I came home and met a certain boy for dinner. This boy seriously is making me SO SO SO happy lately, being around him makes me feel so secure, happy, and warm inside. I really want to spend the rest of my life with him which scares me a little. I am trying to hold back my feelings this time so I dont get hurt. (easier said than done!) He is the sweetest, kind and biggest gentleman I have ever met. He shows me how great a guy can be and what dating should be like, I feel like a princess when I am around him. He tells me how beautiful I am and respects me. Anyways sorry about my sidetracking, we went to Texas Roadhouse which is SO yummy! The only problem with Texas Roadhouse is that the portions are SO big that I can never finish my food (or even close to it!!) It was SO good. My mom loved meeting the guy I am so infatuated with, and could see all of the things I like about him when she met him. It is nice to know that my mom thought he was as amazing as I have described. After dinner he came back to house and played cards and talked with my mom and I.
Saturday my mom and I shopped. It was SO fun. We went to Rodworks (amazing home decor store!), DSW (I got 2 ADORABLE shoes!!), Down East, and a bunch of other stores. It is just fun spending time with my mom. After shopping we went to Zupas (delicious sandwich/soup/salad place) and split the most amazing sandwich and salad. It was perfect. Then we got ready for Les Miserables. We drove down to SLC and ate at Zetajas and had fish tacos. (once again SO YUMMY) I dont even know what to say about Les Miserables. I cried the music is SO moving and I just love EVERYTHING about it. It is my new favorite musical. I love love love love loved it! After Les Miserables the boy came over and hung out with my mom and I again until 2 in the morning which is sweet because he never stays that late. It was nice to see them get along so well- that is a huge thing for me and a requirement in the guy I marry.
Sunday my mom left and I was depressed all day. I got to church early and read conference talks and totally felt the spirit and had a prayer answered. It was a great feeling, but yet I still missed my mom. The weekend was PERFECT!!
Monday I fed the homeless ALL day. (literally!) 7am-5pm! It was a rewarding experience though. It was so sad but yet they were so appreciative and loving. I know it must be hard on them and it made me appreciate my parents and everything they have always done for me. I love doing service. (it always puts me in such a good mood after) thank you school for the opportunity to do service :)
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Dear Future Husband,
I want to start by saying that I know the best things are worth waiting for. I hope that this is no different. You already give me so much hope, and bring a smile to my face on the worst days; I close my eyes, forget the pain I am feeling and think about you. I think about the comfort of knowing we will have each other for the rest of eternity. I hope that you will see me the way the Heavenly Father does, and feel a fraction of the love He has for me. I know that I may have gone through more than expected and had more heart ache than necessary but I hope you can love me for that. I understand how hard life is, and how difficult it is to understand to navigate through life alone. Keep your head up and remember I love you and am rooting for you everyday. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love Always
I want to start by saying that I know the best things are worth waiting for. I hope that this is no different. You already give me so much hope, and bring a smile to my face on the worst days; I close my eyes, forget the pain I am feeling and think about you. I think about the comfort of knowing we will have each other for the rest of eternity. I hope that you will see me the way the Heavenly Father does, and feel a fraction of the love He has for me. I know that I may have gone through more than expected and had more heart ache than necessary but I hope you can love me for that. I understand how hard life is, and how difficult it is to understand to navigate through life alone. Keep your head up and remember I love you and am rooting for you everyday. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love Always
Monday, May 2, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Natalie Olsen
Growing up I never had any sisters. I always wished I had an older sister to share clothes with, talk to and get advice from. (now I have a little sister who i adore!) Then my senior year I met this amazing, beautiful, outgoing, bubbly, witty, charismatic person named Natalie (yes I know ironic! and no i am not referring to myself! but we are ALL amazing). When I started working there she insisted I be called Natalie 2 because "she was so much better". As the joke went on and our relationship grew she began to decide that maybe a better system for differentiating the Natalie's should be made. We decided the package deal was the best option and went by "the Natalies". <3 She instantly became someone I could talk to about anything and everything. I turned to her for advice knowing she was honest, experienced and loved me. She was someone I knew I could always call for those girl moments and get advice from. Its different to hear advice from a "sister" than a mom.I grew to cherish my time and conversations at work with her. She taught me so much about becoming a woman, love, hard work and honesty.
Natalie Olsen I still miss you everyday and wish I could be with you. One day I will see you in Heaven and I will have so much to tell you. There are some days I really miss you and reflect on how different the world would be without you. The 5th anniversary of your death is approaching and know that your beautiful personality lives on and I try to emulate you more each day. You are still in my thoughts and prayers.
Natalie Olsen- I know you cant read this but I love you and think abut you all the time. xoxo |
Natalie Olsen I still miss you everyday and wish I could be with you. One day I will see you in Heaven and I will have so much to tell you. There are some days I really miss you and reflect on how different the world would be without you. The 5th anniversary of your death is approaching and know that your beautiful personality lives on and I try to emulate you more each day. You are still in my thoughts and prayers.
This song was played at your funeral as well as "Somewhere Over the Rainbow". Every time I hear any of these songs I think of you. I think of all the people who knew you and loved you. I hope that one day your example will live on through me and people will adore me like you. I love you.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Q. How do you eat an elephant?
A. One bite at a time
My brothers both flew into town yesterday. Eeeeek! I am sooo sooo excited. Michael has been in Utah more than Washington lately which has been so nice, it is great to see family and have that small comfort feeling. This time BOTH Michael and Derek are here- and for almost an entire week!! I wish I had more time to see them, and I am sure they are busy too but even knowing they are here has made me in a better mood. I love my brothers so much, I know I tease them saying they were awful but I have loved every minute with them. They are 2 of my best friends and I love being around them- I scored with brothers. I know they love me and would do anything in the world to make sure Im happy and safe. Love you guys! xoxo!
I also have decided that I am going to take some advice from JoJo and her song "Too Little Too Late". (Once again- classic if you havent heard it youtube it!) In the song she says somethings that totally pertain to my life right now.
"You take my hand and you say youve changed, but boy you know your begging dont fool me because to you its just a game"
"This is made me strong, Im starting to move on. Im going to say this now- Youre chance has come and gone and you know. Its just too little too late.."
"I was young and in love I gave you everything but it wasnt enough and now you want to communicate."
"Go find someone else. In letting you go, Im loving myself. Youve got a problem dont come asking me for help cause you know its a little too late"
By the beautiful and talented Aubrey Wilkinson |
Aubrey sketched me for her art project- she is TOTALLY talented. I love love love love it. Here is her website, pretty soon shell be up and running to be able to sketch you too! xoxox
Monday, April 25, 2011
**Note my nauseous look |
Friday we woke up early and went to disneyland- the happiest place on earth. I ate a frozen chocolate covered banana with nuts and realized how blessed I really am. Lidia and I went on SO MANY rides, we were blessed with little to NO wait and beautiful weather. The whole week before the forecast was rain- but that didnt discourage avid disney go-ers like Lidia and I, and we reaped the benefits :) We both loved Thunder Mountain, Indiana Jones, Space Mountain, Screaming California and Toy Story. Lidia loved all the crazy rides- I think it was mostly because she loved seeing me sick afterwards! I loved spending the day with her and truly love her to pieces. I am so glad she is my sister and one of my favorite people in the world. She knows how to make me laugh, she can be so sweat and she is always thinking of others. We get along SO well. (yes I know she is 8 and that makes me question my maturity but Im ok with that!)
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One of the MANY beautiful views from my run <3 |
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"Im on a boat b***ch" "I got my swim trunk and my flippy floppys" |
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View from dinner |
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